Fuel Polishing, filtering, and purifying at USA Fuel Service

Most other fuel polishing companies only clean diesel fuel and use a two-step system. They either filter your fuel which does not effectively remove the sludge and water trapped behind baffles and stuck to the side walls of the tank or they pump all the fuel out for disposal. Therefore when you put new fuel in the agitation loosens some of the crud stuck to the sidewalls and the problem starts all over again. Then you realize you have wasted your money and your fuel.

USA FUEL SERVICE developed an advanced four-step system.

(1) We first pump out the water, sludge and crud from the tank bottom for disposal.

(2) Then we filter your remaining fuel with a high pressure two stage system.

(3) While we are filtering we inject proven safe chemical cleaners to dissolve and remove varnish, sludge and crud from tank walls and from behind baffles in the tank.

(4) Last we rejuvenate your fuel by adding boosters, lubricants, & stabilizers. Our proprietary system usually saves 70-90% of the old fuel and makes it safe to use in your engine(s).

We don't just treat the symptoms by merely filtering or disposing of fuels. We clean the fuel and the tank which is the actual cause of the problem. Our state-of-the-art system dramatically reduces the lose of you expensive fuel and prevents engine damage which saves you time and money. We use the latest state-of-the-art equipment, techniques, and chemical tank cleaners developed in-house by our ongoing R&D program. (Over 40-years experience)



Call us today at USA Fuel Service to schedule an appointment.



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